The Power of Compassionate Transformational Leadership™

Transformational Leadership

Leaders, it’s important to note, aren’t confined to a single leadership style. In many cases, combining different approaches can enhance organizational outcomes. Transformational leadership and transactional leadership are two styles that have been thoroughly researched, and a given leader may exhibit varying degrees of both styles. For a quick and easy guide to the difference between transformational leadership and transactional leadership, see – https://t. Co/kbtpg0zign.

Over the last decade, researchers have focused on transformational leadership as a being an effective leadership strategy to implement within public and private sector organizations (Hassan & Hatmaker, 2014). Transformational leaders work with their employees to implement change. Transformational leaders create a vision for their followers and guide the change through inspiration and motivation. They are excellent role models and their followers emulate many of their actions. They also inspire through activating follower self-efficacy so that followers believe that they can go beyond expectations (Barth-Farkas & Vera, 2014).

And, having a clear company mission helps leaders model organizational values and encourage the right growth in followers. Knowing what their organizations stand for can guide the actions of transformational leaders.

Transformational Leadership and Employee Mental Well Being

With more time, money, and energy being invested into employees’ mental health than ever before, businesses may well be on the cusp of a workplace wellbeing revolution.

Nonetheless, for companies to truly ensure employee wellbeing becomes a staple of the organizational strategy (as opposed to a corporate check box we feel inclined to pay lip service to) it’s imperative to explore what, or more specifically who, may prove pivotal in guiding the success of well-being initiatives.

It is becoming ever more apparent that our capacity to create and support environments that champion employee wellbeing and mental health should be regarded as a highly desirable leadership competency. With that in mind, don’t delay. Take the opportunity to reflect upon how you can become a champion for workplace wellbeing within your own working team, and while you’re at it, think about how you can convince your company to do the same.

The Power of Compassionate Transformational Leadership™ Workshop

There is a story behind every metric™.

Fortune 500 companies and small business owners are faced with not only the bottom line, but also challenges related to recruiting and retaining talent which is vital to organizational sustainability.

This training equips leaders with integrated perspectives and a fiscally sustainable approach towards improved mental health in the workplace.

Participants Will Learn…

  • To identify employee and organizational metrics indicative of reduced talent, passion, and productivity.
  • To increase awareness and understanding of your own social-emotional skills through self-assessment.
  • To develop basic competency with Covey’s, “The 7 Habits”.
  • The value of the intentional application of integrated approaches to support mental health in the workplace.
  • The impacts of mental health on the Quadruple bottom line (QBL).
  • Why leaders with strong socioemotional skills attract (and retain) the best talent.
  • Multicomponent strategies leaders can implement to enhance mental and physical wellness in the workplace, win-win solutions.
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